Bousquet Holstein PLLC
Phone Number | (315) 701-6460 |
Directions | Our main office is at One Lincoln Center at the corner of West Fayette St. and Clinton Avenue in Downtown Syracuse. Parking is available in surface lots and garages within one block. |
Address | One Lincoln Center Syracuse, NY 13202
Hours | 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM |
Website | |
Bousquet Holstein PLLC is a versatile law firm, with offices in Syracuse and Ithaca, representing clients across many industries. The firm’s clientele is comprised of businesses and individual clients for whom we provide legal counsel on a broad range of matters covering more than 30 different practice areas. Our attorneys are counselors, strategists, and advocates whose goal is to develop a long-term relationship with each of our clients – one that is based on the trust that develops when a law firm understands the client’s business and objectives, anticipates the client’s needs, and provides prompt, high-quality, and consistently valuable service. An in-depth understanding of the economics of business transactions is one of the firm’s defining characteristics.